Making a Booking
What is the hotel policy for children?
Are your hotel rates per room or per person?
How can I make a Special Request (Bed Type, Non-Smoking, Room Location, etc.)?
Can I request for an Airport Transfer?
What happens to my hotel if my flight is delayed?
I am arriving past midnight. Should I specify my check-in to be the date before midnight or the date after midnight?
How do I check the status of my hotel booking?
I was making a booking when my screen hanged due to my Internet connection being disconnected. Do I need to re-book?
Confirm a Booking
Do I need to confirm my booking directly with the hotel?
How long does confirmation take?
What should I do if I do not receive an email confirmation of my booking?
Does the credit card holder have to be present at check-in?
Changing or Cancelling a Booking
What is the cancellation policy?
What is the amendment policy?
When will I receive my refund, if any, after I had cancelled or amended my booking?
Booking Charges and Payment
Why do I need to provide additional documents during the payment process?
I noticed some discrepancies in my credit card billing. What do I do?
Is breakfast included in the rate?
My credit card number is correct but why is it not being accepted?
Do I need to pay now or pay later? What are your modes of payment?
Website Security and Website Policy
How do I know your site is secure?
How do I report a technical issue?
Who writes our reviews? How do I submit a review?
How does the star-rating system work?
What is the difference between the following room types and occupancy categories?